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Hi, I'm Monica.


I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. If you find yourself here, I want to congratulate you for taking your mental health seriously. Change happens one decision at a time. It is my privilege to have your consideration in your decision to pursue mental health.

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My Story

Hi, my name is Monica. I am triple board certified as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), and Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM). I have worked in various healthcare settings since 2013 and have worked my way up from being a nursing assistant to being a bedside nurse, to pursuing various master's and post-master's certificates to become an Advanced Practice Provider. 


Regardless of the letters that follow my name, my certifications do not define me, they simply give insight into the journey that has led to where I am today. 


I was born in Rome, Italy into a large, not-so-traditional Catholic family. I am one of eleven children. My parents felt called to be missionaries during my early childhood and we were sent to the United States shortly after. My experience as the daughter of a large, immigrant, missionary family helped to shape who I am. Being uprooted from Italy took me out of my comfort zone at an early age. Being deprived of the safety net that came by being surrounded by people who spoke my language, shared my same taste in food, same cultural norms, and being distant from my family (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents), was difficult to adjust to. 


Despite its challenges, my upbringing helped to transform me into a more open-minded, more humble, and more understanding person. In addition to having been on food stamps and benefiting from the WIC program, my family also experienced the providence of God through the generosity of countless people. This fact allowed me to witness that God can make the impossible possible, it also helped me to understand that things will work out even if you don't have it "all figured out" yet. My experience taught me that challenges and hardships are God-given opportunities to experience humility, lean on God's providence, to relate to the less fortunate, give us something to look forward to, and allow us to learn to overcome obstacles and the meaning of perseverance. 


As a married woman and new mom,  I hope to transmit this message to my children and to any client else who is experiencing or has experienced hardship. There is always hope. God is a loving Father. If God has brought you to it, He will bring you through it. 


Despite my strong belief that faith can play a vital role in mental health, I am open to working with people of other faiths or no faith at all. My goal is to help each individual by addressing every aspect of his or her being.  â€‹My hope and goal is to serve every client with the utmost care and consideration and to tailor treatment to the client's best interest. My desire as a PMHNP is to address and care for the physical, psychological, social, spiritual, familial and even financial needs of every client I come in contact with and help them to become the best version of themselves, and/or the man/woman that God intended. 


It would be my privilege to work with you. 

Thank you for considering working with me!






P.S. Please call/text/email or send me a message if you have any questions!



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